Chhattisgarh Metro Train between Rajnandgaon-Durg-Raipur-Naya Raipur
Metro Train between Rajnandgaon-Durg-Raipur-Naya Raipur is divided in three phase.
First phase:
Durg to Raipur (45 Kms Approx).
Possible metro route will be Raipur Naka - Jail Tiraha - Pulgaon Chowk - parallel to NH 6 towards Telibandha Raipur. It is going to cost 6000 Cr Rs.
There are 18 stations proposed for this route.
At present, about 28 lakh people commute between the two cities every month.
Second Phase:
Rajnandgaon to Durg. (45 Kms approx.)
There are 15 stations proposed for this route.
Approximate cost will be 8000 Cr. Rs. for this phase.
Third Phase:
Telibandha, Raipur to Naya Raipur (40 Kms approx)
Survey is completed but approximate budget is still under discussion.
Chhattisgarh Metro route is planned to complete by year 2021.
Almost 10,000 people commute per day from Raipur to Rajnand Gaon. But the general public thinks that metro should be introduced on Raipur-Bilaspur route because the traffic pressure is higher than the Raipur-Rajnandgaon. But because of natural resource and blocks, the Raipur-Rajnandgaon route was an easier and cheaper option for the government.
This proposed line is located in heart of Chhattisgarh(Check CG districts map), in Raipur, Durg and Rajnandgaon District. (there are 4 populated cities, Raipur, Bhilai, Durg and Rajnandgaon).
Train: (Check Chhattisgarh Trainmap)
DMRC has completed the feasibility study and has recommended a detailed project report (DPR). The cost of the entire project is estimated to be worth Rs 20,000 crore. The project will be implemented in three phases.
First phase:
Durg to Raipur (45 Kms Approx).
Possible metro route will be Raipur Naka - Jail Tiraha - Pulgaon Chowk - parallel to NH 6 towards Telibandha Raipur. It is going to cost 6000 Cr Rs.
There are 18 stations proposed for this route.
At present, about 28 lakh people commute between the two cities every month.
Second Phase:
Rajnandgaon to Durg. (45 Kms approx.)
There are 15 stations proposed for this route.
Approximate cost will be 8000 Cr. Rs. for this phase.
Third Phase:
Telibandha, Raipur to Naya Raipur (40 Kms approx)
Survey is completed but approximate budget is still under discussion.
Chhattisgarh Metro route is planned to complete by year 2021.
Almost 10,000 people commute per day from Raipur to Rajnand Gaon. But the general public thinks that metro should be introduced on Raipur-Bilaspur route because the traffic pressure is higher than the Raipur-Rajnandgaon. But because of natural resource and blocks, the Raipur-Rajnandgaon route was an easier and cheaper option for the government.
This proposed line is located in heart of Chhattisgarh(Check CG districts map), in Raipur, Durg and Rajnandgaon District. (there are 4 populated cities, Raipur, Bhilai, Durg and Rajnandgaon).
Train: (Check Chhattisgarh Trainmap)